Preservation of symbolic techniques in folk handicrafts (Pottery, Embroidery, Cuisine)
Project participants | Project activities
Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Programme PL-BY-UA 2014-2020: Promotion of local culture and conservation of historical heritage: "Preservation of symbolic techniques in folk handicrafts (Pottery, Embroidery, Cuisine)": Project number: PBU2/1001/18.
"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."
Logo of the project "Preservation of symbolic techniques in folk handicrafts (Pottery, Embroidery, Cuisine)"
Action 1. Organising a competition for an illustrated Polish-English-Russian dictionary on pottery, embroidery, and cuisine.
Action 2. Collection of recipes for the production of "sękacz".
Action 3. Developing the project logo.
Action 4. Developing information about the project on the school website.
Action 5: Development of information material for local media.