Miło jest nam poinformować, że Szymon Gromczyński uczeń klasy 4A otrzymał stypendium Prezesa Rady Ministrów. We wtorek 26 listopada 2024 r. w II Liceum Ogólnokształcącym w Białymstoku odbyła się uroczystość wręczenia dyplomów stypendystom Prezesa Rady Ministrów na rok szkolny 2024/2025. Serdecznie gratulujemy!
Miło jest nam poinformować, że drużyna z naszej szkoły w składzie: Julia Szulc, Julia Kowalewska oraz Amelia Szymanowska z klasy 3C1 zajęła II miejsce w konkursie "BizneSÓWKI", którego organizatorem jest Park Naukowo-Technologiczny w Suwałkach oraz Prezydent Miasta Suwałk. Opiekun młodzieży: Joanna Domuracka. Serdeczne gratulacje!
Miło jest nam poinformować, że Maciej Dyczewski zajął I miejsce, a Krzysztof Orchowski II miejsce w konkursie wiedzy o Sejmie, zorganizowanym z inicjatywy Posła na Sejm RP Pana Jacka Niedźwiedzkiego oraz Biura Komunikacji Społecznej Kancelarii Sejmu. Opiekun młodzieży: Konrad Wiśniewski
W dniu 16 września 2024r. obchodzimy Dzień Patrona III LO - prof. Alfreda Lityńskiego.
#ErasmusDays w Trzecim: 14 - 18 październik 2024 r.
11 października 2024 r. w auli III Liceum Ogólnokształcącego z Oddziałami Dwujęzycznymi w Suwałkach odbyły się miejskie Obchody Dnia Edukacji Narodowej. Nagrody uznaniowe za wytrwałą pracę otrzymało 48 nauczycieli i dyrektorów.
Wszystkich miłośników wykorzystania technik komputerowych do celów wizualizacji artystycznej zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w XXIII Międzyszkolnym Konkursie Grafiki Komputerowej "PLAMKA '25". Temat konkursu: "Piękno lasu" Organizatorzy: Joanna Domuracka, Jan Czerniecki


Project participants | Project activities

Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Programme PL-BY-UA 2014-2020: Promotion of local culture and conservation of historical heritage: "Preservation of symbolic techniques in folk handicrafts (Pottery, Embroidery, Cuisine)": Project number: PBU2/1001/18.

"This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

The fact of the epidemic threat of the COVID-19 virus and the resignation of the youth from participating in the project caused the cancellation of the project.

Logo of the project "Preservation of symbolic techniques in folk handicrafts (Pottery, Embroidery, Cuisine)"


For 15 years, the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Programme has been supporting cross-border development processes on the border between Poland, Belarus and Ukraine by co-financing various projects. All projects supported by the Programme are of non-commercial character and contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants of eastern Poland and western Ukraine and Belarus. Each project financed by the Programme must achieve a strong cross-border effect, not only through a partnership between institutions from the three countries but above all through activities and their positive impact on border areas.

1 The main objective of the project: Promotion of local culture and heritage conservation (HERITAGE)

2. The programme priority: Promotion of local culture and history

3. Project title: "Preservation of symbolic techniques in folk handicrafts (Pottery, Embroidery, Cuisine)"

4. Project number: PBU2/1001/18

5. The acronym of the project: PRECIouS

6. Schools participating in the project:

- Lead BeneficiaryComplex of Schools Nr 1 in Suwałki

Alfred Lityński 3rd General Upper Secondary School

with Bilingual Divisions, Poland (www.zs1.suwalki.edu.pl)

- Beneficiary 1 - Ternopil school 3 specialized in learning foreign languages, Ukraine (www.school3.com.ua)

- Beneficiary 2 - Gymnasium No. 4 of Brest, Belarus (www.gymn4brest.schools.by)


7. The project summary

"Preserving patterns of folk handicraft (Pottery, Embroidery, Kitchen)" is a project mainly addressed to school students from Suwałki, Tarnopol and Brest. Its aim is not only to arouse interest in the products of our ancestors but also to encourage the use of craftsmanship using modern methods. It cannot be allowed to lose connection with the national cultural heritage. Moreover, national identity should be promoted. As our closest neighbours, we want to implement joint initiatives and activities in Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. We hope that thanks to this, national cultures of border areas will cease to be a taboo subject not only for project participants.

In Poland, a meeting with a master chef is planned, who will present the process of "sękacz" baking. Pupils will be able to learn the techniques of creating a dough that resembles a tree with jars and knots in its shape. After baking the dough on a rotating spit above the fire, a tasting is planned. So the pupils will not only learn what ingredients are used to make this extraordinary bakery but also how to make it and what tools are necessary. During the next activities, the project participants will be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice by preparing the dough by themselves and then baking it in a special oven with a cylindrical core.

In Ukraine, on the other hand, there will be a meeting with embroidery experts, who in school conditions will conduct unusual workshops taking us back to the past, when every woman could embroider unusual patterns to beautify the image of her loved ones. In addition, there will be a meeting with teachers who will conduct IT, classes, on creating embroidery patterns on a computer. During the adventure with embroidery in Ukraine, there will also be a trip to the city of Borshchev to learn the techniques of Borshchev embroidery together with local experts. 

Middle School No. 4 in Brest, Belarus invites us to workshops on pottery. Project participants will learn about types, technologies and techniques of making clay pottery, and will be able to realize their own visions while creating their own imaginary vessels. Undoubtedly, the time spent in Brest will allow the project participants to become familiar with national symbols and Belarusian patterns, as well as their meaning. The participants will also be able to paint their own dishes.

All project participants, together with their local and regional communities, will benefit from the creation of the PRECIouS Local Information Centre in Suwałki, whose idea will be to promote common border culture and history, as well as to present traditional folk handicraft techniques in embroidery, pottery and cuisine. Thanks to the implementation of the project, the Tarnopol Embroidery Studio, which will conduct embroidery workshops with the participation of experts and specialists, will also be retrofitted.

We are convinced that the established tripartite cultural dialogue will lead to an intensification of protection, promotion and development of not only local but also neighboring culture. We hope that our joint activities will form the basis for cross-border cooperation between the three countries in the field of education and culture.

The target group of the project is 45 students (15 from Poland, 15 from Belarus and 15 from Ukraine). 


8. Cross-border impact of the project.

The project will be implemented in three participating countries: Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. Cultural traditions of embroidery, pottery, and national cuisine will be presented as a craft for future generations. The project will lead to the exchange of experiences and activation of communication between children during various public events. The target groups may have a chance to communicate with each other and exchange characteristics of their national customs and traditions, gain new experiences and acquire new skills and knowledge in order to become competitive at the world job fairs. As a result, there will be a basis for establishing cross-border cooperation in the border areas of three countries (Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine) in the field of education and culture. This will contribute to a better understanding of cultural heritage, as well as the convergence of project participants in the border area and their awareness of the cultural diversity of the countries and similarities between the cultures of Belarus, Poland, and Ukraine through participation in joint meetings and events. 




 Project coordinators: Joanna Domuracka and Jolanta Rogucka

This website was created and maintained with the financial assistance of the European Union. It is the sole responsibility of the Complex of Schools Nr 1 in Suwałki Alfred Lityński 3rd General Upper Secondary School with Bilingual Divisions and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.