MARATON ZUMBA fitness. 27 kwietnia 2024 r. w 3LO w Suwałkach w godz.: 16.00 - 19.30.Zapraszamy!
Dnia 22 marca 2024 r. (piątek) w naszej szkole, odbyły się Dni Otwarte III LO. DZIĘKUJEMY ZA ODWIEDZINY!
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In the School Complex No. 1 in Suwałki, in 2013, the Local Cisco Network Academy began its activity. The Academy will carry out its tasks as part of the Cisco Networking Academy (CNA) program.


The Internet is now an instrument of achieving market success for almost every organization in the modern world. For many institutions and companies, their competitiveness is measured by technology innovation and the ability to find themselves in the global system of the new, online economy. The pace of change is a challenge for many institutions. The technological explosion means that many institutions in the world already need educated and able to face the challenges of human resources. Only in Poland in the next three years, 32% of workplaces related to computer networks will remain unoccupied due to the disproportions between current education systems and the rapid development of the needs of companies and institutions. To meet this demand, in 1997 Cisco launched the Cisco Networking Academy (CNA) program. This program is growing dynamically around the world. In more than 100 countries, over 250,000 pupils and students are currently learning about computer networks. They have real chances of acquiring skills that will allow them to find their place on the labor market. On the other hand, potential employers have the chance to recruit deficit specialists, which will enable them to expand and develop in the direction of modern business methods.

The Cisco Networking Academy program offers the opportunity to gain theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of designing, developing and maintaining computer networks. Graduates are prepared to obtain the Cisco Certified Networking Associate (CCNA) professional certification. The acquired knowledge, supported by the obtained certificate, is the premise for success in the modern environment of the Internet economy. It opens the possibility of finding a satisfying job and is a solid foundation for your future professional career.

The Academy offers the following courses:

IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software PC Hardware and Software is a basic course in the Cisco Networking Academy program offer. The courses in the program integrate traditional and modern teaching methods such as classes with an instructor, multimedia, classes in a computer lab, e-learning and simulators.

NDG Linux Essentials course is an introduction to the Linux system. It includes a framework education program, laboratory exercises and progress assessment in the Linux environment. Each student has contact with a virtual machine with Linux, which allows learning and discovering the command line capabilities in Linux. Skills acquired during the training can be used in various career paths related to computer sciences, software development and Linux administration. The training ends with obtaining a certificate of completion of the training. The course program prepares you for the LPI Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate.

CCNA Routing and Switching is a course designed for people who start their adventure with computer networks and Cisco technology. This course focuses on theoretical concepts and practical application of acquired knowledge in order to achieve the skills and experience needed to design, install, use and manage a computer network.

CPA: Programming Essentials in C ++ is the science of one of the most popular programming languages, which is praised for its performance and ease of creating games, real-time systems, and applications with graphic libraries. During the course, the participant learns the basics of programming in C ++ and basic concepts and programming techniques. Knowledge of C ++ is good for applying in the areas of Security, Networking, and IoT. No programming knowledge required.


Entries for the CISCO Local Academy

1. To sign up for the course, please contact the academy instructor at the School Complex No. 1 in Suwałki.

    Instructor at the Cisco Academy: Joanna Domuracka

2. After the instructor has registered with the CNA to obtain a temporary login and password

3. Log in to the academy website:

4. When you log in to the Cisco Academy online system for the first time, you must complete your personal details

5. Set your own permanent login name and password


  Conditions for obtaining the Cisco IT Essentials certificate: PC Hardware and Software and NDG Linux Essentials

- passing final exam Final

- the exam includes material from chapters 1-10

- required point threshold - 80%

- mandatory survey (Feedback) - unrated


After passing the exams, students receive a certificate of completion of the course, which allows you to take the CompTIA A + exam.

After passing the exams, students obtain a certificate of completion of the course, which allows you to take the LPI Linux Essentials Professional Development Certificate.